On April 12th, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to travel in space in the Vostok 3KA-2 (Vostok 1) space capsule and return to Earth. During the historic flight, Gagarin wore a Sturmanskie pilot’s wristwatch. In 2001 the Volmax Company produced a model to celebrate the jubilee of Gagarin’s flight. Yuri Georgiyevich Shargin – a lieutenant colonel in the Russian Space forces – wore his Gagarin commemorative model in space in 2004 as the flight engineer on the Soyuz TMA-5 mission to the International Space Station. Shargin was the first Russian military cosmonaut to board the station and he wore his Sturmanskie Gagarin for the duration of the 10 day flight. Shargin had previously flown in space in 1996.


  款型Sturmanskie chronograph 31681-1743458-42(太空领航员),防反射不锈钢雾面防刮表壳,矿石水晶弧形表镜,内部搭载Poljot31681机械码表机芯,这个机芯你不要小瞧它,它可是堪称世界最复杂的机芯之一,内部无数的齿轮互相咬合依靠25枚宝石轴承来润滑运行,特殊的防震系统完全适应军用目的,防磁摆轮及宝玑游丝互相配合,每一枚机芯均独立编码,可倒查到组装人员。可夜间判读时间之夜光指针标点,功能说明:9点位置盘面为秒针盘,3点钟位置盘面为30分钟计时盘。6点位置盘面为24小时时间盘面,钟表尺寸:42×14mm,3ATM防水,此款型全世界仅999只。钟表发条能量储存42小时(码表关),配件:原厂皮盒,保固书。



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